티스토리 뷰

puts "Simple calculator"
25.times {print "-"}
puts "Enter the first Number"
puts "Enter the second Number"
#gets.chomp는 String으로 받아온다.
puts "The first number multipled by the second number is #{num_1.to_i * num_2.to_i}"

puts "나누기 : The first number division by the second number is #{num_1.to_i / num_2.to_i}"

puts "더하기 : The first number plus by the second number is #{num_1.to_i + num_2.to_i}"

puts "빼기 : The first number minus by the second number is #{num_1.to_i - num_2.to_i}"

puts "#{num_3.to_f}"

puts "#{num_3.odd?}"

puts "#{num_3.even?}"

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